Results of the 2024 “Biking My Age” Challenge

Here’s the news, which I hope won’t be TMI, but, regarding my “Bike My Age” annual challenge, I made it, but not by much.  It’s the 14th year in a row that I’ve managed it, and, believe me, it’s getting more difficult.  If you haven’t donated to our Island Housing Trust, please do so. IHT is building affordable/attainable homes and apartments for the men and women (and their children) who keep the community together.  Any amount will help.  Thanks

I actually turn 83 on Friday the 14th of June, but Wednesday the 12th was a perfect day for a long bike ride–low temperature, very little wind, and some cloud cover–and so I was on the road at 5:45 AM, cycled 30 miles, and came home for a lovely breakfast of  blueberry pancakes, coffee, and conversation.  After that long break, I went off again, mostly in the state forest near the Vineyard’s airport.  Joan met me at our favorite sandwich shop, 7A in West Tisbury, for a late lunch and–critical–a ride home for a shower and a good nap.  (My helmet isn’t visible in this photo, but I wore one. Trust me, I always do!)

Joan’s famous blueberry pancakes:

Now, of course, I have to file a notarized statement with ABBA (in Stockholm, Sweden), attesting to the fact that a) I completed the appropriate distance or longer; and b) I have not taken performance-enhancing drugs in the past 90 days; c) I did not take more than one 10-minute nap during the ride; and d) I did not have sex during the ride.  Then I will receive another glossy impressive certificate from ABBA, suitable for framing.

ABBA has asked me to run its American branch, and I am inclined to accept. I’ll write more about that later with information about how you can join..  

If donating to IHT isn’t your priority, then please consider the following valuable organizations:

World Central Kitchen

Feeding America

if you support public education: The Network for Public Education

If you value good reporting about education: 

The Hechinger Report


The Education Writers Association



3 thoughts on “Results of the 2024 “Biking My Age” Challenge

  1. Hi John,

    I appreciate your work to make things better for others, especially the most marginalized population of kids and families.

    I too have spent my entire adult life trying to make life better for kids and families. In addition to teaching in public education for roughly 40-years, I co-founded five non-profits. About 6 years ago, I started my fifth one. It is a campaign to transform the current 150-year-old, factory assembly line, age-based, standardized model of public education to a student-centered, individualized model tailored to each child’s needs, strength, and interest.

    I have read your book, Addicted to Reform, a twelve-step program to rescue public education twice and watched your interviews. I think that we have similar views on the problem as well as the solution. I would like to set up a time to talk with you about it. My nonprofit address is below for you to get more information about my vital campaign. I have also attached a short commentary that you may enjoy reading.

    I look forward to talking with you.


    Matt Beck Founding Director Center for Inspired Learning Tel. (360) 223-7616


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